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that girl

That Girl – Olly Murs

There’s a girl but I let her get away

It’s all my fault cause pride got in the way

And I’d be lying if I said I was OK

About that girl the one I let get away

I keep saying no

This can’t be the way we’re supposed to be

I keep saying no

There’s gotta be a way to get you close to me

Now I know you gotta

Speak up if you want somebody

Can’t let him get away oh no

You don’t wanna end up sorry

The way that I’m feeling everyday

No no no no

There’s no hope for the broken heart

No no no no

There’s no hope for the broken

There’s a girl but I let her get away

It’s my fault cause I said I needed space

I’ve been torturing myself night and day

About that girl the one I let get away

I keep saying no

This can’t the way was supposed to be

I keep saying no

There’s gotta be a way to get you

There’s gotta be a way

To get you close to me

You gotta

Speak up if you want somebody

Can’t let him get away oh no

You don’t wanna end up sorry

The way that I’m feeling everyday

No no no no

There’s no hope for the broken heart

No no no no

There’s no hope for the broken

No home for me

No home cause I’m broken

No room to breathe

And I got no one to blame

No home for me

No home cause I’m broken

About that girl

The one I let get away

So you better

Speak up if you want somebody

You can’t let him get away no no

You don’t wanna end up sorry

The way that I’m feeling everyday

Don’t you know

No no no no

There’s no hope for the broken heart

Don’t you know

No no no no

There’s no hope for the broken


You don’t wanna lose at love

It’s only gonna hurt too much

I’m telling you

You don’t wanna lose at love

It’s only gonna hurt too much

I’m telling you

You don’t wanna lose at love

Cause there’s no hope for the broken heart

That girl

The one I let get away



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